8 November / 16 November 2014
Exhibition that is held from 8 to 16 November 2014 at the 24th edition of the International Istanbul Art Fair in the beautiful location“Tüyap Istanbul Fuar ve Kongre Merkezi”. Organized by Associazione Artistica del Friuli-Venezia Giulia, the event features forty-five Italian artists, many of whom have already exhibited abroad. The works on display and in the catalogue offer a significant selection of national contemporary art. Critical article by Leo Strozzieri, catalogue edited by Sonia Paolone. Texts in Italian and English. On the cover, a work by Drì & Valdemarin.
“... Several illustrious protagonists of this publication have already participated in a similar initiative in previous years. However, the water gushing from their artistic creativity is completely new and spring. Since it can be seen that the artist in this sense is not afraid of adventures, managing to move without fear of trespassing because he feels completely free. A sort of Schenghen treaty applies to him, that is, free movement. "
Leo Strozzieri

Artists / Annemarie Ambrosoli, Odino Bacchin, Giovanni Basso, Clara Benedetti Orsano, Lorenzo Viscidi Bluer, Adriano Bolzan, Federico Bonan, Bora, Borzani, Alda Bòscaro, Adriana Calandrino Zampieri, Giancarlo Caneva, Antonio Capodaglio, Antonio Capoferri, Gianni Chiminazzo, Dayse Rodrigues, Pierluigi de Lutti, Piero De Martin, Arnalda De Zan, Annamaria Di Terlizzi, Drì & Valdemarin, Massimo Ferri, Claudio Mario Feruglio, Lorenzo Filomeni, Carla Galli Morandi, Pietro Galliussi, Daniela Gilardoni, Grazia Gottarelli, Elvi Maccari, Daniele Magro, Gianni Maran, Silvia Marchesini, Vittorio Marchi, Enrico Marras, Manuela Micheli, Gaimpaolo Muliari, Shura Oyarce Yuzelli, Moreno Panozzo, Giuseppina Pioli, Massimo Puppi, Alida Puppo, Claudia Raza, Matteo Salviato, Silvana Scarpa, Sergio Simeoni (Serpic), Rosa Spina, Leo Strozzieri, Girolamo Tessarolo, Lucia Tomasi, Gino Tonello, Giovanni Toniatti Giacometti, Salvatore Tropea, Luciana Zabarella