20 June / 9 July 2019
Taking place in the evocative spaces of the monumental church of San Severo al Pendino (1448), now deconsecrated and used as an interesting exhibition space, is the annual exhibition organised by Artestruttura and whose “Art Napoli 2019” is the catalogue published by Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori. As usual, an extract from the volume is then published in the Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna, in this case no. 55. About seventy artists on display and in the volume, who compare paintings, sculptures and graphics with a great variety of artistic addresses and influences, from figuration to informal, from abstract art to hyperrealism, from conceptual art to digital photography. Critical text by Boris Brollo, photographs by Sharon Caneva. On the front and back cover, two works by Sergio Simeoni (Serpic).
"... This is how our culture is built: from the top to the bottom. The overthrow did not lead to anything. The base of such mass remained base and did not constitute critical mass. Other avant-gardes have tried to reverse the fall to transform it into an ascent, but without success. The last catch in this illusion was the avant-garde linked to Situationism which saw its followers move within the sphere of psychographic emotionality, that is, pervasive. The attempt to undermine the art system perhaps it does not pass through Art. The soft belly, but without conscience, of the System collects and transforms everything by chopping it and spitting it into our museums, see: Dadaism, Surrealism, Neo Dada, Lettrism, Situationism..."
Boris Brollo

Artists / Barbara Adami, Augusto Ambrosone, Enzo Angiuoni, Carla Asquini, Valentina Azzini, Lidiana Basso, Stefania Basso, Emiliano Bazzanella, Paola Bega, Enrica Belloni, Cristian Ber, Augusto Bianchet, Paolo Bisighin, Adriano Bolzan, Federico Bonan, Borzani, Alda Bòscaro, Svetlana Boyarkina, Paola Bradamante, Carmela Candido, Giancarlo Caneva, Steven Canta, Marcello Caporale, Giovanna Carbone, Aldo Caselli, Giovanni Cherubini, Maristella Chiarello (Mariki), Antonio Corbo, Carlo Cottone, Milena Crupi, Rosalia Ferreri, Massimo Ferri, Claudio Mario Feruglio, Carlo Fontana, Carla Galli Morandi, Daniela Gilardoni, Stella Labuzhskaya, Nadia Lolletti, Roberto Lucato, Rosetta Luzzi, Paolo Marazzi, Vittorio Marchi, Enrico Marras, Luciana Mascia, Patrizia Matera, Pina Meneghin Buzzacchera, Bob Money, Paola Moretti, Giampaolo Muliari, Concetta Palmintesta, Lucia Paravano, Michele Pascolini, Antonio Rauno Piccini, Gina Pignatelli, Giuseppina Pioli, Fabiano Puppin, Alida Puppo, Claudia Raza, Ermanno Rossi, Lucio Tiziano e Cesare Serafino, Sergio Simeoni (Serpic), Rosa Spina, Caterina Stefanutti, Carlo Stragapede, Giovanni Toniatti Giacometti, Patrizia Zeppetella, Antonio Zucchiatti