


22 May / 4 June 2018

The second exhibition of 2018 takes place in a symbolic place of Milanese and Italian culture, the exhibition space named after Alda Merini, located just a few steps away from the Naviglio Grande. On the upper floor, The house where the poet and writer lived, in Ripa Ticinese 47, is reconstructed using original object and furnishing. On the ground floor, takes place the exhibition organized with the sponsorship of Associazione Artistico Culturale del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Aura). On display and in the Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori catalogue, about forty artists confront each other between painting, sculpture and graphics. Curator and organizer Giancarlo Caneva, introductory text by Leo Strozzieri, photographs by Sharon Caneva. On the cover “Sogno. Le mani del sesso, del piacere e delle disgrazie”, by Ugo Mainetti.

"... Symbolically it is the whole of Italy, it is the world of art and culture of our country that pays homage to you with paintings and sculptures by artists working on various lines of research and therefore with iconic scenes or abstract compositions punctuated by colors, intertwining, plots, lacerations, sometimes formative signs of the image, other times anarchic like certain sublime lyric scores of your verses of the Holy Land, initially welcomed by the general and ignorant indifference of the Italian publishers, perhaps precisely because of the dominant theme of the collection or the asylum metaphorically assimilated to the places where the Savior, a man accredited by God through miracles, prodigies and signs worked. Pay you homage, Alda, especially with the material that becomes light; and you who one day affirmed "distancing yourself from matter is a sign of great wisdom", you cannot but greatly appreciate this tribute".

Artists / Enzo Angiuoni, Stefania Basso, Emiliano Bazzanella, Roberto Bellavere, Enrica Belloni, Clara Benedetti Orsano, Valeria Bonazza, Bora, Borzani, Nilo Cabai, Letizia Caiazzo, Giancarlo Caneva, Giovanna Carbone, Roberto Cardone, Giorgio Celiberti, Giovanni Cherubini, Maristella Chiarello (Mariki), Antonio Corbo, Carlo Cottone, Mariarita Demuti, Ergilia Di Teodoro “Edit”, Gillo Dorfles, Cesare Serafino, Massimo Ferri, Claudio Mario Feruglio, Emiliano Foramiti, Carla Galli Morandi, Daniela Gilardoni, Giovanni Grigolini, Amélie Guyonnet, Ugo Mainetti, Enrico Marras, Luciana Mascia, Patrizia Matera, Pina Meneghin Buzzacchera, Giampaolo Muliari, Gianni Pascoli, Graziano Pasini, Antonio Rauno Piccini, Giuseppina Pioli, Alida Puppo, Claudia Raza, Enea Romanelli, Rosa Spina, Carlo Stragapede, Leo Strozzieri, Giovanni Toniatti Giacometti, Iacopo Toppazzini, Antonio Zucchiatti
