21 October / 4 December 2011
More than forty artists are exposed in the exhibition and in the correlated volume by Giorgio Mondadori. The artists are all painters invited to the collective exhibition of contemporary art which takes place in Munich. The catalogue dedicates to each of them, in alphabetical order, two pages where their works are exposed and, in the last segment, their biographies in Italian and German. The volume opens up with a critical essay, translated also in German, by Mario Guderzo, which intends to frame the past and present relationship between artists and public. The exhibition is part of a series of three European events organized by Associazione Artistica del Friuli-Venezia Giulia of Udine in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute.
“Contemporary artists have managed to shaken off form of arts, legends, symbols and images tied to the past, to give life to a new way of making art, by interpreting and integrating specific languages from the economical and the artistic fields, essential to create a new original communication channel. This process led to a turning point in the relationship between artists and the public: once, the painter had the moral and artistic obligation to communicate with the public, with the advent of modern art, it is the public that has to understand and interpret the artist. ".
Mario Guderzo

Artists / Annemarie Ambrosoli, Enzo Angiuoni, Clara Benedetti Orsano, Lorenzo Viscidi Bluer, Adriano Bolzan, Gianni Borta, Stefania Buccio Gonzato, Adriana Calandrino Zampieri, Valter Candotti, Giancarlo Caneva, Giuliano Caneva, Antonio Capodaglio, Giorgio Celiberti, Gianni Chiminazzo, Gianni Cogoi, Guido Coletti, Luigi Colombi “Conte”, Michele Cossyro, Lisbeth Dal Pozzo D’Annone, Piero De Martin, Claudio Mario Feruglio, Giordano Floreancig, Carlo Foramiti, Carla Galli Morandi, Luciana Libralon, Elvi Maccari, Michele Macchia, Daniele Magro, Ugo Mainetti, Vittorio Gisberto Mariotti, Umberto Miani, Manuela Micheli, Giampaolo Muliari, Rita Paola, Graziano Pasini, Sandro Peracchio, Roberto Piaia, Gianni Pignat, Arrigo Poz, Massimo Puppi, Claudia Raza, Elena Rede, Carla Rigato, Dayse Rodrigues, Giuseppina Romeo, Piero Ronzat, Lenci Sartorelli, Silvana Scarpa, Sergio Simeoni (Serpic), Massimo Sonnini, Silvano Spessot, Rosa Spina, Girolamo Tessarolo, Gino Tonello, Giovanni Toniatti Giacometti, Iacopo Topazzini, Michel Vallayer, Luciana Zabarella, Elvio Zorzenon