16 April / 2 May 2018
The first exhibition of 2018 takes place in Bosnia and Herzegovina, inside the most important cultural centre of Mostar, the Hrvatski Dom Herceg Stjepan Kosaca, under the patronage of Associazione Artistico Culturale del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Aura) and Artestruttura in collaboration with Attilio Melato. On show and in the catalogue, more than forty artists confront each other in painting, sculpture and graphics. A book and an exhibition in the name of Stari Most, the bridge destroyed by bombing and rebuilt in 2004, which here becomes the symbol of the interaction between Italian and Bosnian culture. Texts in Italian and English by Leo Strozzieri, Dragan Marijanovic, Danijel Vidovic and Attilio Melato. On the cover the Stari Most (watercolour by Massimo Ferri).
“And we would like to highlight how ideally the exhibited artists intend to build a bridge between the Italian culture and the autochthonous, extraordinary one of the Bosnia-Herzegovina regions."
Leo Strozzieri
Artists / Luca Alinari, Odino Bacchin, Stefania Basso, Enrica Belloni, Clara Benedetti Orsano, Borzani, Nilo Cabai, Letizia Caiazzo, Giancarlo Caneva, Giuliano Caneva, Giovanna Carbone, Roberto Cardone, Giorgio Celiberti, Giovanni Cherubini, Antonio Corbo, Ergilia Di Teodoro “Edit”, Massimo Ferri, Claudio Mario Feruglio, Emiliano Foramiti, Giuliana Maddalena Fusari, Carla Galli Morandi, Patrizio Antonio Gelli, Mauro Gentile, Daniela Gilardoni, Giovanni Grigolini, Ugo Mainetti, Attilio Melato, Pina Meneghin Buzzacchera, Giampaolo Muliari, Antonio Rauno Piccini, Giuseppina Pioli, Claudia Raza, Enea Romanelli, Shake Production Group, Sergio Simeoni (Serpic), Rosa Spina, Leo Strozzieri, Giovanni Toniatti Giacometti, Iacopo Toppazzini, Luciana Zabarella, Antonio Zucchiatti