9 November / 30 November 2012
The contemporary Italian painting in Germany with an exhibition and the attached catalogue published by Giorgio Mondadori. Twenty artists, all painters, were invited to the exhibition - organised by Associazione Artistica del Friuli-Venezia Giulia of Udine in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute – held at the Rathaus (Town Hall) in Stuttgart. Four pages are dedicated to each artist, presenting their activity through a critical-biographical text and some images of works. Introduction by Mario Guderzo, texts in Italian and German. The cover features a work by artist Pierluigi de Lutti.
“The 'Italiarts' exhibition, organized by the Italian Cultural Institute in collaboration with the city of Stuttgart, is part of a series of exhibitions promoted in this city by the Cultural Association of Friuli Venezia Giulia 'AURA' and realized thanks to the tireless promotional activity by Giancarlo Caneva and Carlo Foramiti. This intense collaboration, which we hope will continue in the future, responds to the common goal of spreading knowledge on the rich and varied Italian contemporary artistic production."
Adriana Cuffaro / Director of the Italian Cultural Institute of Stuttgart

Artists / Clara Benedetti Orsano, Daniela Beschi, Alda Bòscaro, Pierluigi De Lutti, Massimo Ferri, Carla Galli Morandi, Pietro Galliussi, Pina Meneghin Buzzacchera, Lina Moretti, Giampaolo Muliari, Moreno Panozzo, Arrigo Poz, Massimo Puppi, Claudia Raza, Dayse Rodrigues, Silvana Scarpa, Ivano Valentino Sebellin Seiv, Rosa Spina, Girolamo Tessarolo, Gino Tonello