16 November / 30 November 2017
The exhibition model that Associazione Artistico Culturale del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Aura) and Artestruttura have been successfully conducting for many years, on this occasion involves the Alviks Bibliotek in Stockholm. And, as happened in the past, the exhibition and the attached catalogue present a selection of forty-eight contemporary Italian artists in the Swedish capital. On the cover a work by Antonio Corbo, critical introductory text by Leo Strozzieri.
“Ideally, this exhibition of Italian artists in Stockholm, like all the numerous exhibitions promoted over the years in the Cultural Institutes in various countries of the world by the Artistic Cultural Association of Friuli Venezia Giulia 'AURA', is part of the humanistic perimeter of apology of freedom, solidarity, brotherhood and the peaceful coexistence between people. Once again, art wants to recommend a different offer from Homo Homini lupus."
Leo Strozzieri

Artists / Luca Alinari, Enzo Angiuoni, Paola Bega, Enrica Belloni, Clara Benedetti Orsano, Paolo Bisighin, Valeria Bonazza, Borzani, Paola Bradamante, Letizia Caiazzo, Giancarlo Caneva, Giovanna Carbone, Vittorio Carradore, Giorgio Celiberti, Giovanni Cherubini, Maristella Chiarello (Mariki), Luigi Colombo “Conte”, Antonio Corbo, Carlo Cottone, Massimo Di Febo, Massimo Ferri, Emiliano Foramiti, Carla Galli Morandi, Mauro Gentile, Sergio Giusto, Giovanni Grigolini, Mimmo Legato, Roberto Lucato, Alfonso Mangone, Luciana Mascia, Silvana Mascioli, Pina Meneghin Buzzacchera, Giampaolo Muliari, Carmela Oggianu “Caroggi”, Gianni Pascoli, Graziano Pasini, Antonio Rauno Piccini, Giuseppina Pioli, Claudia Raza, Carla Rigato, Enea Romanelli, Inger Sahlin, Rosa Spina, Leo Strozzieri, Giovanni Toniatti Giacometti, Iacopo Toppazzini, Jucci Ugolotti, Luciana Zabarella, Antonio Zucchiatti