1 February / 28 February 2013
Artestruttura’s format arrives in Australia, in the cities of Sydney, Canberra and Mossvale , where take place several Italian artists’ exhibitions throughout the month of February. Supporting the important art show is the Italiarts catalogue branded Giorgio Mondadori. Critical article edited by Mario Guderzo. In the appendix, the critical-biographical description of every artist in the catalogue in Italian and English. On the cover a work by Moreno Panozzo.
"The relationship between art and man is, and will always be, inseparable: one exists, because it is an expression and, at the same time, a spiritual reification of the other. The emotions created by art are transformed into an aesthetic experience, giving the individual a reason to still believe that life has an inestimable value and can be beautiful."
Mario Guderzo

Artists / Enzo Angiuoni, Clara Benedetti Orsano, Daniela Beschi, Adriano Bolzan, Chiara Borsi, Francesco Borzani, Alda Bòscaro, Romano Buratti, Anna Caneva, Giancarlo Caneva, Giuliano Caneva, Clelia Cortemiglia, Pierluigi De Lutti, Livio Fantini, Massimo Ferri, Claudio Mario Feruglio, Gian Il Camponese, Gian Pietro Ghidoni, Luigi Imbriale, La Pupazza, Leona K, Vittorio Gisberto Mariotti, Gun Mattson, Attilio Melato, Manfred Myka, Fiamma Morelli, Lina Moretti, Giampaolo Muliari, Donato Pace, Moreno Panozzo, Rita Paola, Pier Antonio Pelloni, Massimo Puppi, Claudia Raza, Paola Rinaldi, Silvana Scarpa, Sergio Simeoni (Serpic), Vittorio Sopracase, Gino Tonello, Luciana Vassena