19 February / 19 March 2014
Italian art in the heart of Old Europe. The format of Artestruttura, a series of exhibition events supported by Associazione Artistico Culturale del Friuli-Venezia Giulia, moves to Vienna. From 19 February to 19 March 2014, at the Italian Cultural Institute of the Austrian capital, an important exhibition event is held involving forty artists, presented also in the Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori catalogue. Book with critical text by Mario Guderzo. On the cover a work by Alda Bòscaro.
"Talking about art today means still recognising man's ability to conceive 'beauty' and to express it in a sensitive form, through his paintings and sculptures, and all the expressions linked to 'making'. To aesthetics is entrusted the reflection on the concept of beauty, to criticism the task of 'interpreting' the object and to the market the task of 'disseminating' the product."
Mario Guderzo

Artists / Annemarie Ambrosoli, Odino Bacchin, Giovanni Basso, Clara Benedetti Orsano, Adriano Bolzan, Alda Bòscaro, Carmela Candido, Giancarlo Caneva, Antonio Capodaglio, Antonio Capoferri, Marcello Caporale, Claudio Colaone, Luigi Colombi (Conte), Dayse Rodrigues, Pierluigi De Lutti, Marcello Di Tomaso, Drì & Valdemarin, Sinikka Elfving, Claudio Mario Feruglio, Carla Galli Morandi, Pietro Galliussi, Daniela Gilardoni, Elvi Maccari, Pina Meneghin Buzzacchera, Giampaolo Muliari, Moreno Panozzo, Gina Pignatelli, Massimo Puppi, Claudia Raza, Susanne Riegelnik, Carla Rigato, Matteo Salviato, Gabriele Saxa, Silvana Scarpa, Sergio Simeoni (Serpic), Silvano Spessot, Ruth Stirnimann, Gino Tonello, Luciana Zabarella, Elvio Zorzenon