28 October / 10 November 2019
In the evocative Istanbul two collective exhibitions take place. With the catalogue, they promote over sixty contemporary artists who confront themselves between painting, sculpture and graphics, all displayed in the catalogue, in a great variety of artistic influences. From 28 October to 1 November the works are hosted at the Asmalımescit Sanat Galerisi, while from 2 to 10 November the exhibition moves to the Tüyap Sanat Fuari – Art Fair, an important international contemporary art exhibition. Critical text by Boris Brollo, on the front and back cover two works by Claudia Raza.
"The intensity, the gaze, intimate on the object, are lost at the expense of an illusory possibility of remixing the “object-work of art”, be it a painting, a sculpture, or other. The positive result of this lowering to a common denominator art, despite the fact that the market insists on creating some more expensive than others, over time it resolves the 'irrelevance' of all the so-called 'minor' artists who are thus saved by this principle. That comes in handy a quote by Alessandro Manzoni: 'To posterity the arduous sentence'."
Boris Brollo

Artists / Barbara Adami, Asli Arslanbek, Nino Barone, Clara Brasca, Claudia Buttignol, Giancarlo Caneva, Auro e Celso Ceccobelli, Carla Galli Morandi, Minya Mikic, Claudia Raza, Giorgio Scarato, Massimiliana Sonego, Lucio Afeltra, Michele Agostinelli, Valentina Azzini, Lidiana Basso, Emiliano Bazzanella, Paola Bega, Borzani, Svetlana Boyarkina, Carmela Candido, Giuliano Caneva, Giovanna Carbone, Giovanni Cherubini, Maristella Chiarello (Mariki), Serena Comar, Dayse (Rodrigues), Piero De Martin, Arlia-Hamda Elmi, Manuel Fabbro, Rosalia Ferreri, Carlo Fontana, Emiliano Foramiti, Giuliana Maddalena Fusari, Nicola Giuliani (Nick Giu), Walid Haddadin, Stella Labuzhskaya, Maria Luisa Liviero, Luciano Longo, Elisa Macaluso, Alfonso Mangone, Paolo Marazzi, Martha Marvin, Enzo Mignego (Togo), Edi Miotto, Paola Moretti, Giampaolo Muliari, Gianni Pedullà, Giuseppina Pioli, Ermanno Rossi, Gabriele Saxa, Lucio Tiziano e Cesare Serafino, Rosa Spina, Leo Strozzieri, Isabella Tavarilli, Carla Tolomeo, Iacopo Toppazzini, Andrea Vizzini, Luciana Zabarella, Irene Zangheri, Antonio Zucchiatti