5 September / 29 November 2020
Two touristic-cultural pearls of Veneto, Marostica and Bassano del Grappa, host the exhibitions organized by Artestruttura and enriched with the catalogue “Orizzonti – Espressioni artistiche della contemporaneità”. As tradition, an extract from the annual volume is published in the Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna, in this case no. 56. About sixty artists on display, present themselves through paintings, sculptures and graphics with a great variety of addresses and artistic influences. Critical text by Mario Guderzo, photographs by Sharon Caneva. On the front and back cover, two works by Alda Bòscaro. The Artworks are displayed from 5 to 13 September at Castello Inferiore di Marostica and from 14 to 29 November at Spazio Corona di Bassano del Grappa.
"Horizons are the results of a profound reflection, almost a philosophical search for the absolute, the impossible, the never seen. Those who place themselves in this situation reflect and portray emotional representations that force the observer to place themselves on the same wavelength and question their hidden meanings. This is what was suggested to the protagonists of this artistic research. Their interpretations will force profound reflections and suggest necessary symbologies to be extrapolated and intensely observed."
Mario Guderzo

Artists / Barbara Adami, Augusto Ambrosone, Enzo Angiuoni, Valentina Azzini, Odino Bacchin, Lidiana Basso, Stefania Basso, Paola Bega, Enrica Belloni, Andrea Beltrame, Martina Bertossi, Augusto Bianchet, Paolo Bisighin, Federico Bonan, Borzani, Alda Bòscaro, Svetlana Boyarkina, Paola Bradamante, Alessandro Calligaris, Carmela Candido, Giancarlo Caneva, Marcello Caporale, Giovanna Carbone, Aldo Caselli, Raimondo Cefaly, Giovanni Cherubini, Maristella Chiarello (Mariki), Emanuele Costantini, Gioele Costantini, Carlo Cottone, De Lory, Nica Degan, Massimo Di Febo, Ergilia Di Teodoro “Edit”, Arlia-Hamda Elmi, Carla Galli Morandi, Giovanni Grigolini, Stella Lubuzhskaya, Dorotea Li Causi, Vittorio Marchi, Enrico Marras, Luciana Mascia, Patrizia Matera, Pina Meneghin Buzzacchera, Laura Mircea, Paola Moretti, Giampaolo Muliari, Betty Pinna, Giuseppina Pioli, Alida Puppo, Claudia Raza, Gabriele Saxa, Lucio Tiziano e Cesare Serafino, Sergio Simeoni (Serpic), Rosa Spina, Carlo Stragapede, Leo Strozzieri, Giovanni Toniatti Giacometti, Iacopo Toppazzini, Antonio Zucchiatti