11 July / 2 August 2019
Once again, the Stuttgart City Hall hosts an initiative by the Italian Cultural Institute in collaboration with Artestruttura. The International Exhibition of Contemporary Art presents about fifty artists who highlight their work by offering figurative, abstract and informal works. As always, the event is accompanied with the publication of an "Italiarts" catalogue. Introductory critical text by Leo Strozzieri, on the front and back cover, two works by Ermanno Rossi.
"... It would make sense today to do painting and propose exhibitions like this one in Stuttgart where different lines of research in contemporary Italian art are documented (from iconic painting moving to informal or geometric abstractionism, with some intrusion even into conceptual art), if there hadn't been the aforementioned apologetic contributions of the sublime language of art? I really don’t think so, and again thanks to it we are given the possibility to provide nourishment to the human spirit."
Leo Strozzieri

Artists / Barbara Adami, Lucio Afeltra, Luca Alinari, Carla Asquini, Valentina Azzini, Odino Bacchin, Nino Barone, Enrica Belloni, Paolo Bisighin, Adriano Bolzan, Alda Bòscaro, Svetlana Boyarkina, Paola Bradamante, Elena Clelia Budai, Giancarlo Caneva, Giuliano Caneva, Marcello Caporale, Giovanna Carbone, Raimondo Cefaly, Giorgio Celiberti, Giovanni Cherubini, Serena Comar, Pierluigi de Lutti, Giacinta Di Battista, Marcello Di Tomaso, Claudio Mario Feruglio, Emiliano Foramiti, Rina Foramiti, Carla Galli Morandi, Mauro Gentile, Walid Haddadin, Stella Labuzhskaya, Dorotea Li Causi, Alfonso Mangone, Paolo Marazzi, Enrico Marras, Umberto Miani, Massimo Morandini, Paola Moretti, Giampaolo Muliari, Giuseppina Pioli, Marialisa Povegliano Bulfone, Alida Puppo, Graziella Ranieri, Claudia Raza, Ermanno Rossi, Roberto Russo, Lucio Tiziano e Cesare Serafino, Rosa Spina, Carlo Stragapede, Leo Strozzieri, Silvano Zompicchiatti