

24 February / 30 April 2023

The National Museum of Archaeology of the Sea in Caorle (Venice) hosts the special exhibition "Arte in valigia". With a suitcase we immediately associate the idea of moving from one place to another; and the Museum tells the story of more and less distant events in which man has constantly related to the sea, specifically the Adriatic, in a sort of 'perpetual motion'. The suitcase is also an extremely 'personal' object, containing even intimate aspects of one's own experience and worldview. In this exhibition, the suitcase becomes a work of art, an object of artistic decoration, an opportunity to investigate its practical and concrete meaning, a tool for conceptual reflection and an element through which to convey a very precise message, constituting a point of convergence and comparison/clash between the different sensitivities and points of view of each individual artist. It is possible to admire the suitcase of an illustrious migrant who made his fortune abroad, which belonged to Primo Carnera. The exhibition features the works of thirty-five artists related to the theme of the suitcase. The event, curated by Boris Brollo and Morgan Caneva, was patronised by Regione Veneto and the municipalities of Caorle (Venice), Cavasso Nuovo (Pordenone) and Sequals (Pordenone), and involved the collaboration of AIAP Art Agency, the Museum of Emigration in Cavasso Nuovo and Artestruttura.

"...Or, as an ironic tautology: the suitcase transports "Arte" magazine, therefore it transports Conceptual Art (Borisenko), or, who rejects the concept of transport by emphasising it on the inside in saying: Art is not in this suitcase! (Clara Brasca). Others have decorated it on the outside reserving a more intimate, private message inside, as in the case of Giancarlo Caneva. Most artists have used pictorial decoration in order to redeem the suitcase element as a negative symbol of the migrant to make it instead a contemporary emotion."

Artists / Gigi Abriani, Armando Balasso, Milena Bellomo, Luigi Bernardi, Bluer (Lorenzo Viscidi), Borisenko, Clara Brasca, Giancarlo Caneva, Franco Carollo, Domenico Castaldi, Giampietro Cavedon, Giorgio Celiberti, Attilio Consolaro, Giuseppe Deganello, Gianni Gigante, Paolo Giorgio, Stella Lazzarini, Mirca Lucato, Pierluigi Macorig, Carlo Martini, Marvin (Martha Vendrame), Mauro Marzari, Marisa Milanese, Enzo Montagna, Daniele Pinni, Joseph Rossi, Domenico Scolaro, Mariella Scandola, Cesare Serafino, SOS (Simon Ostan Simone), Franco Tajariol, Carla Villani, Andrea Vizzini, Leda Anthea Vizzini, Walter Zerbato
