The 61st edition of the prestigious Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna (Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori) is being prepared: this is the most distinguished publication in Italian art publishing, indispensable for artists, gallery owners, experts, collectors and art lovers. The volume, rich in content, has got atraditional and well-defined layout:
The first section is dedicated to the Great Masters of the 20th century, including Balla, Burri, Carrà, de Chirico, Fontana, Modigliani, Rosai, Sironi and Vedova.
The second section counted over 900 artists in the last edition, shows how the Catalogue is increasingly appreciated and followed thanks to its consolidated structure: alphabetical artist cards, quotations, exhibitions, auctions, biographical notes, works. The colour pages and thematic dossiers - including Photography and Plastic Art - confirm the Catalogue's role as an irreplaceable promotional and reference tool.
In January 1962 , the Turin publisher Giulio Bolaffi published the first edition of an annual repertoire dedicated to the contemporary art market, edited by Luigi Carluccio, and created as a useful market tool for the extensive world of collecting to advise the readers on the commerce of the artworks. In a short period of time, the catalogue gained notoriety and prestige, becoming the most important editorial reference for artists, gallery owners, critics, curators, collectors and art lovers.
Purchased at the end of the seventies by Giorgio Mondadori together with the monthly magazine “Arte”, since 1999 the Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna - indicated with the acronym CAM - is published under Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori within Cairo group and is certainly the most long-running genre-specific volume in Italy.
Numerous important artists, in various editions, have had the honor of being the cover: from Bodini to de Chirico, from Morandi to Carrà, from Guttuso to Schifano, from Borghi to Campigli, from Pistoletto to Tozzi, to Rosai.
DISTRIBUTION | The Catalogue is sold in the best Italian bookstores, directly from the publisher, by reservation and at the Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori stands in the most important art exhibitions. Who buys it? Artists, gallery owners, business operators, collectors, critics, art scholars and simple enthusiasts.
ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION | An annual advertising campaign is promoting the catalogue: an elegant advertising page presents the catalogue every month on the magazine Arte. The volume is also presented in the official website of the Catalogue.
THE PROTAGONISTS OF THE ITALIAN TWENTIETH CENTURY | From Balla to Modigliani, from Carrà to de Chirico, from Burri to Morandi, from Guttuso to Campigli. The biographical notes, the market prices and the suggestions for the certifications of the Great Masters.
CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS FROM A TO Z | Quotations, activities, market awards, references, exhibitions and critical-biographical notes. All the information you need, to know and to be known.
AN IMPORTANT MEANS OF PROMOTION | The Catalogue, a traditional annually recurring event, is an indispensable volume that maintains its role intact: a work that "photographs" the artist's activity and places it in the contemporary national panorama.
A simple, elegant and effective layout in a modern volume rich in images regarding the artists' activity
The editorial sheets of the artists compose most of the volume and, in the last edition, there have been over 900.
This black and white section consists of the list of artists in alphabetical order, enriched with a lot of useful information such as a critical-biographical note, a black and white work, the list of the most recent exhibitions, contacts, references, etc.
The inclusion in this space is provided for all artists who adhere to one of the following options.
If being in the Catalogue is important for an artist, being here is the confirmation of a career
The inclusion of the artist in this prestigious first part of the Catalog is evaluated directly by a Critical Committee.
The works chosen for these pages take the viewer in a reading through various introductory texts contained in the volume.
Ideal option to be noticed with elegance in the Catalogue
This is a really interesting mode, in which the work is presented in the part containing the editorial sheets.
The published works stand out among the black and white pages.
Privileged position for galleries wishing to promote their business and artists
The modality is similar to the previous one, however, in this case, the promotional space is intended for galleries.
The published works stand out among the black and white pages.
Ideal solution for artists who wish to highlight, in addition to their artistic activity, also some useful contact details
Colored and ordered collection of works placed in the final part of the Catalogue.
This option allows the publication of one or more works using a full page.
Ideal solution for artists who wish to highlight, in addition to their artistic activity, also some useful contact details
Colored and ordered collection of works placed in the final part of the Catalogue.
This option allows the publication of one or more works using half page.
Authoritative space dedicated to artists who express their ideas through photographic technique
The option includes two pages for each artist, located at the beginning of the volume.
It is possible to complete the two pages by publishing your works and the critical text edited by the editorial staff.
Special and elegant insert dedicated to artists who express their ideas through three-dimensional works
As for the photographic Dossier, also in this case the artist has a double page available.
It is possible to complete the two pages by publishing your works and the critical text edited by the editorial staff.
Ideal solution for art galleries wishing to propose their artists within the acquired space
The pages available to the galleries that intend to use this space are positioned in the final section of the volume.
Mean with which it is possible to promote both art galleries and artists.
Elegant showcase for art associations that wants to promote their artists
This collection is also located in the final part of the volume.
An important promotional space to highlight the work of the associations and the artists.
The website is the digital extension of the printed volume. On the various pages of the site, the history of the catalogue is told, the artists are presented and it is possible to read various articles and in-depth reports on the latest trends, artistic currents and the correlation between art and current events.
The website is, therefore, a great opportunity for artists to highlight their work in an increasingly networked world. It is possible to be included on the site and to be presented with one's own Artist Profile.