


4 August / 26 August 2023

"Fantasmagorie - Exhibition of Contemporary Artists in Avellino" is the title of the exhibition hosted from 4 to 26 August 2023 in the former Bourbon prison in Avellino. The structure, which served as a prison until 1987, is today the most important museum centre in the Province of Avellino, with pavilions, rooms and dedicated activities. The group show, organized on the initiative of Artestruttura, presents around fifty artists and is curated by Leo Strozzieri, author of the introductory critical text of the “Fantasmagoriecatalogue, published by Giorgio Mondadori. On the cover a work by Alda Bòscaro. In the exhibition space and volume, two-dimensionality prevails decisively, with oil paintings, acrylics, mixed media and digital art, but there are also some sculptures and an installation. The type of representation varies from figuration to informal art, from geometric to abstract art.

"What has been said up to now is a premise for understanding how the contemporary is strongly obliged to cross the threshold of semi-obscurity due on the one hand to the lack of the lights of reason that the French encyclopedists spoke of and on the other to the impossibility of considering worldly realities and history 'sub specie aeternitatis', to use a terminology taken from Scholasticism (...) It is completely natural, to remain within the perimeter of the visual arts, that in this climate provocative products materialize by artists who have entered, rightly or wrongly in the constellation of notoriety. I would say that they are children of weak thinking as the title of this article states. Any good examples? Just think, to mention now historicized names, of Marcel Duchamp, Pino Pascali, Piero Manzoni, Christo, Jannis Kounellis and in general all the protagonists of Arte Povera and most recently Maurizio Cattelan..."

Artists / Augusto Ambrosone, Enzo Angiuoni, Paola Arrigoni, Stefania Basso, Paola Bega, Paolo Bisighin, Federico Bonan, Francesco Borzani, Alda Bòscaro, Paola Bradamante, Giancarlo Caneva, Giovanna Carbone, Aldo Caselli, Giampietro Cavedon, Maurizio Cervellati, Maristella Chiarello (Mariki), Emanuele Costantini, Carlo Cottone, Ergilia Di Teodoro (Edit), Arlia-Hamda Elmi, Marilena Faraci, Ferruccio Franz, Carla Galli Morandi, Nicola Guarino, Roberto Lucato, Gianni Maglio, Ugo Mainetti, Paolo Marazzi, Vittorio Marchi, Enrico Marras, Luciana Mascia, Fabrizio Mason, Patrizia Matera, Pina Meneghin Buzzacchera, Paola Moretti, Giampaolo Muliari, Gianni Pascoli, Giuseppina Pioli, Alida Puppo, Claudia Raza, Guillermina Rivera (Guikni), Cesare e Noah Serafino, Simon Ostan Simone (SOS), Rosa Spina, Giovanni Toniatti Giacometti, Franco Trevisan, Luciana Zabarella, Laura Zilocchi, Nevio Zorzetto, Antonio Zucchiatti
